Sunday, November 10, 2013

More Proof Of Weather Control

I wrote the article below last year. Don't you find it strange that on the day I wrote it, the heavens opened while the Greek government were  voting on how to ruin the country ? And outside Parliament the people were demonstrating.

If you don't see it now , you never will..It happens every time !!

From the archives.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

They Think That They Are Gods.

They think that they are Gods, but they are not anywhere near Gods.

Now, as I write, the rain is not gently going pitter-patter, but it is coming down with a snarling fury.

How odd, how very strange , that after weeks and weeks of non-stop sunshine in Greece, on the very day that the Greek government is voting on the most absurd austerity measures ever inflicted on any country in the last sixty years, and possibly six hundred years, while the people are having , probably the biggest mass demonstration against the people who are doing the voting, that the skies should suddenly imitate Noah's Ark

Weather control- weather control- weather control. You see, they think that they are Gods.Hey man, we can do anything , we can even control the weather.

If you don't believe this, you are truly a brainwashed product of this sick, sick society.You are a zombie; a robot.Weather control has been with us since the nineteen fifties. Go to Wikipedia and check it out.This week China produced snow; Saudi Arabia produced rain in the summer, and the U.K has most likely had great fun flooding any city or village they fancied for most of this year. Don't ask me why because I don't know. Lunatics though might well do this sort of thing.They don't think like us.

They think that they are Gods; they believe that they have the right to do whatever they want, take whatever they want and rape whoever they want.They are not like us.They have the money, the technology and the power. It's really gone to their heads.

How blind are the people ?

How brainwashed are the masses ?.

The governments, the corporations, the bankers don't give a dam about you or me. I'm not just talking about Greece here, but the whole wide World.

That is the plain truth.

The simple fact.

 Forget the smartly dressed- must be dark suit and tie- well- spoken lies with the kindly smile - that comes from these rich and powerful nutters all over the World.These people, if, indeed they are really people, are pure evil.Look at the fruits of their policies. What do you see ? Suffering, suffering and more suffering. Well, that's evil in my book.

It's high time , we, the people, took our beautiful planet, the Earth back from these vile entities.

They think that they are Gods, but we know , from  the deeds they do, that they are not, and they appear to be more like demons who are terrified of being found out.Everyday though, we are are finding out  more and more.Their days are numbered.The people are waking up from a long, deep slumber.

Mike Selley.

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